What we offer our candidates
At Hays we believe that the right job can change a person´s life. Therefore, our mission is to use our expertise to find the right job to match your skills, experience, personality and career plans.
We always strive to deliver the best possible service to our candidates. That is whuy we have established our service Hays Service Standard. Trough a professional partnership our goal is to build a high level of understanding and trust between you, as a candidate, and Hays.
Hays Service Standard
1. Understand your expectations
Once you collaborate with Hays, we will work to understand your ambitions and what you want for your career. We will find the best way to work together.
2. Find the right opportunities
We will use our deep expertise in each of our areas to find the best opportunity
3. Advice and valuable support
We will ensure that you are best prepared for your interview.
4. Open and transparent communication
After your interview, you will receive clear feedback and help with negotiation.
5. A long-term vision
We will help you get started in your new job and the support you need.
Find a job with Hays
As a candidate you are welcome to register in our database and search for our latest jobs.

Want to get in touch with us? Contact us about your needs whether you are a client or a candidate.